The aim of the field trip Deposits of metallic and non-metallic minerals, coal, oil and gas is to acquaint students on the field with different types of mineral deposits; familiarization with prospecting, exploration, exploitation and processing; organization of a geological sites and a mining companies.
This objective is realized by visiting the relevant sites and deposits and conducting field works. In addition to the heads of the field trip, geologists, mining specialists and technologists from the companies are also involved in the training.
The field trip is realized by bus transport on a certain route. During the training a field diary and photo documentation are used in order to the preparation of a final geological report.
Students should gain experience in compiling geological documentation, to observe the geology of the deposits studied in university audiences, familiarize themselves with the technology of prospecting, exploration, extraction and processing of various mineral and energy raw materials, obtain information about the market realization of the raw materials, to meet and exchange ideas with the specialists involved in the practice, to receive information about their professional realization. In the final phase, students must be able to prepare a geological report and defend it.
ECTS credits – 1