The multimedia center is equipped with multimedia equipment and modern high-performance computers with installed licensed software products for the needs of the learning process and the research work.
All computers are connected in a hierarchical local area network that provides high-speed wired and wireless internet. In this way, the center allows to conduct exercises, seminars and short courses in IT, GIS and 3D modeling of deposits and resources estimation.
12 pc. High-end computers
2 pc. Laptops
2 pc. Color printers
1 pc. A3 format scanner
1 pc. Digital projector
1 pc. Sound system
1 pc. Digital video camera
1 pc. Digital photo camera
Licensed software:
Windows 7 64-bit
Microsoft Office 2013
MapInfo Pro 2016
Discover 3D Pro 2015
Leapfrog Geo 4.0
Petrel 2016.3
Responsible person: Danail Yovchev